Didn't meditate a second time yesterday and I feel it today in my meditation. Sex memories come with rapture memories, so calling up rapture I have memories. I used to get upset, I'm not supposed to think that, but now I just don't encourage it. The boner is impermanent. With the struggle with basic happiness, I have a negative undertow and you know, feel threatened and aversive to life at times. The breath simplifies, and simplified life has a basic happiness, if you can touch it. One element of restlessness for me is the fear of being tired, too tired, whatever that is. There is no too tired, just sleep if you're tired. But I'm meditating. Movement is distracting. Holding still gives me claustrophobia, but it's a necessary step in deepening my meditation. Relax the body, relax the skandhas, gladden and steady the mind. The breath is a wonderful thing.