Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Tuesday after the coup

Thích Nhất Hạnh (1926-2022) is one of my early reading teachers, Being Peace (1987) is an important book to me. The Miracle of Mindfulness (1975) was also an early book for me. He lived through a war, was nominated for a Peace Prize by MLK in 1967. He was exiled from South Vietnam in 1966. He split with his fusty sangha and created a new and dynamic sangha called Plum Village, which spread over the world. He coined the term engaged Buddhism.

I really struggled with metta this morning, because I’m furious about the coup. Musk got access to information he shouldn’t be getting access to. He’s trying to cancel a program that was voted for by the legislature. I’m calling my representatives today. I see the AFL-CIO is suing him. 

Mae Phosop, Rice Deity in Thailand, Nang Khosop in Laos (Wikipedia):


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