Martin Luther King Day
Feel so at home when I get back to anapanasati in my rotation. Seeing the waning half moon out the window accompanying me. Snow outside.
Seeing more clearly how just a little intimacy with Anandi, and I launch a lot of ships, build a lot of castles in the sky. Really need to let go, stop being so clingy. We had some unusual intimacy recently and my brain is going wild even though it was just temporary, a specific rare situation.
Shams told Rumi not to read his father's journal or his favorite poets, he needs to sing and dance more.
Feel the intoxication of the weekend of soccer. My brain settles into big sky mind. I'm asking myself what is beyond the piti, beyond the big sky mind and I think it's steadiness, equanimity, and relinquishment.
Going into controlling and mindfulness about my social media for the next 4 years, don't want to overwhelm myself, stoke up my anger.
Five days in a row where I did only an hour, two hours today.
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