I meditated for 26 minutes, then Shams and Amir came online, and we meditated for 40 minutes, at least I did. Amir's camera went off, and Shams laid down. You can lay down meditating, I do that when I'm really tired.
Today is lunar new year, not yesterday, 7:37 is the exact time of the new moon. It's the closest thing we have to a Buddhist Holiday in NYC, my daughter has the day off. She's all weepy this morning, and I'm struggling to see how this isn't her trying to get out of doing homework. I guess today is an emotional wash. Maybe not the whole day. She just needs to wake up and eat something.
Shams said he watched a movie about Van Gogh called At Eternity's Gate (On Tubi in USA). Yesterday he got back to drawing, he says he'd been blocked for a year, so it felt really good to be back drawing. He likes the uncritical drawing. He says Van Gogh wasn't popular in his times because he just stayed in an ecstatic state painting, he didn't conform to the expectations. He's going to send me some drawings.
Thought about it in terms of writing. I love free writing, not planning or editing, just in a flow. But I think it's editing that makes the writing, so I've gotten a lot better at editing. People who collect spelling mistakes might disagree.
We talked later about the last tetrad of anapanasati: Impermanence, disentangling, cessation, relinquishment. I was amazed to see disentangling translated as "fading of lust", and Shams said dispassionate. I love it that I see different words and what they mean in English has a different meaning to me.
I realize I cling
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